Dungeness Then and Now (Nanny Goat Island)

Few forget their first visit to the shingle outpost of Dungeness. To the uninitiated, its stark beauty is totally unexpected in a location only two hours from central London. So much has been said of it that it has become cliched: “unique”; “magical”; “a special place”; “Britain’s only desert”. All these descriptions hold true except for the last – which is no more than an urban myth. But all this would have been totally different had plans to build a vast new ferry terminal, offering the shortest route from London to Paris, come to fruition.


This is the story of the development of this special corner of Kent, from the early settlers whose only source of milk was the animals that they kept untethered on the shingle, to the current day. It explores the hardships of those who have earned a living from fishing the waters here, the coming of the railway, wartime fortification, nature conservation, lifeboat and rescue services, the construction of the power stations – and exploding goats.

Reviews for this book:

Just to say your book arrived today, thank you very much. Fascinating stuff……I look forward to reading it when I can wrestle it back from my husband!!
(KW May 2020)

This painstakingly researched book should be acquired now by any lover of the area!  – In my opinion possibly the best account of Dungeness through the ages highlighting the life, history, make up of the area with dozens of photographs, many hitherto unpublished, with
contributions from locals, anecdotes and a wealth of information all written with great authority. Well worth a read and at £15.00, including post and packaging an exceptional
addition to any library.
(Dungeness UK)

The book is full of fascinating information about Dungeness and the reasons why it is such a unique, magical and special place.
(Rye News Jan 2020)

I am totally amazed at the detail and information which you have researched and accumulated to produce what is in my opinion the most definite readable history of Dungeness – DR

This 200 page book, complete with lots of photos, is very good value at £15 to anyone who
has the slightest interest in the area.
(The Looker Jan 2020)

I was amazed by the amount of research you have done AC-H


Thank you so much for the copy of Nanny Goat Island” – it is quite fascinating! Mr W


This was purchase by my friend as a belated 80th birthday present…it is delightful…I recommend it to all lovers of the Ness – PS

I just had to write to tell you how much I enjoyed “Nanny Goat Island” – EMcK